Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mobile broadband sales triple in 2008

GfK Group has issued its latest statistics for Mobile Broadband USB Modem (Dongle) sales. The data shows that 149,000 such devices were sold during September 2008, compared with just 55,000 in January 2008.

However this isn't the peak; that occurred in July when 163,000 units were sold. 76% of Mobile Broadband users are on contract based services with the remaining 24% on 'pay as you go' (PAYG) deals.

However it's worth pointing out that the uptake of true PAYG has only recently taken off after T-Mobile and 3 Mobile launched a range of better priced options with fewer constraints, causing a significant rise in uptake.

3 Mobile is believed to hold 50% of all sales.

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3 offers six-month contract mobile broadband

3 Mobile are currently offering two six month contract mobile broadband packages that include a free USB Modem.

The first offer is on a Broadband Plus 3GB package and costs £15 per month.

The second offer is on a Broadband Max 7GB package and costs £25 per month.

You also get a free Huawei e220 USB Modem included. Max download speeds for this modem are quoted at 3.6Mbps, but 3 currently only offers a maximum of 2.8Mbps on their 3G network anyway.

The e220 USB Modem is also available for £39.99 on 3's Pay as you go mobile broadband package.

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